Ad-free and sponsor-free experience on your Samsung TV.

TizenTube is an ad-free and sponsor-free solution for your favourite streaming website on your Tizen (Samsung) TVs.


ad_offNo Ads

TizenTube removes ads from your favourite streaming client to give you a better experience while watching videos.

money_offNo sponsors

TizenTube removes sponsored content from your favourite streaming client using the SponsorBlock API. SponsorBlock saves you time by removing sponsored content in videos and also does more.

speedSpeed controls

TizenTube lets you control the speed of the video you're watching. You can speed up or slow down the video to your liking.

ads_clickNo Clickbait Content

TizenTube "dearrows" the videos thumbnail and the title by using the DeArrow API.

paletteCustom Themes

TizenTube lets you change your favourite streaming client's colors to your liking.

more_horizMore to come

You can request for more features by creating an issue in our GitHub repository.